Sunday, November 25, 2018

See You Later! *not a goodbye*

No 'goodbyes' here, only 'see you later's 

Head North was fake, but Hannah Lynn is not!

The ultimate purpose of this blog was to help me run a thorough beta test on my social media strategy plan. I made the plan in a social media strategies course at the technical college I attend in my second semester. In the third semester, we take a class called digital marketing campaigns and launch it. Now last semester when we learned about blogs, I thought to myself "wtf, how am I supposed to do this?". My first blog was pretty bad too! That was September 14th, now it's November 25th and I've successfully authored 10 blogs for my mock business Head North. You bet your ass I'm proud of how different 'Pipe-in up' compared to 'and so it begins'. Other purposes include getting used to writing blogs, authoring content catered to a target market, and getting good grades.
The topics that I covered differed greatly from beginning to end. At first, I produced content that was geared at the season or 'holiday' that it was, it wasn't really aimed at my target audience though. I was just trying to get people to read my blogs and I was trying to appeal to anyone. Those were the blogs with topics like Autumn, adventuring our town, Halloween, and Season's greetings. I wrote good content for them but didn't aim it at my target audience. The election was a little better than the rest, but I digress. I think that the best topics I had and blogs I wrote related right to my business. I know in a 'real-life' situation people that are going to a tobacco shop are going to read blogs that pipes, E-juices, and smoking alternatives. Those I think were the best blogs that I wrote. The type of blogs that my persona in my social media plan would have read. I didn't have her in my head or a clear picture of my business or voice at the beginning. It grew exponentially. 
I think that I learned many things about blogging and social media in general this semester. I have to say that I honestly LOVE blogging. Like if I had better grammar, spelling, and punctuation, I could make a killing! I would love to do this once a week for a job, beats making pizza, and I did that for 6 years! The other thing that I learned about blogging is that it is A LOT of work. I think to be a good blogger you have to do research, then research more, and then research your sources. You also have to be careful about the pictures you use and the things that you say. You want to be diligent and mindful, not only of the content that your produce, but how you reflect your business. Is this in sync with my style guide and the voice of my company? Is this going to be offensive? You have to constantly be aware of how your target will portray your blog. 
I have learned more things then come to my head right now. I think the biggest thing I learned in doing this was, It is not about me. I want to thank all of you for reading my content, even knowing it was fake. I know it didn't matter to the ones who actually read it. It is you that are one of the reasons for this blog. Thanks again and as always, Hannah Lynn. 

Monday, November 12, 2018

Pipe-in it up

As you may have guessed by the title, we are talking pipes

Not muscles or plumbing, but good old fashion tobacco pipes!

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Many people including myself started smoking before they ever know the repercussions. Other people know darn well what they're getting themselves into with this habit and still begin. Often times both groups don't think too much about before they could buy their perfectly rolled cigars or cigarettes, back when pipes and pipe tobacco were all there was. What about before that though? Of course we're going to dive into a little history and then we will talk types. 
I found this great blog that actually goes through the earlier history of pipes. I was surprised to find out that many places around the world were using them at the same time and didn't even know. I don't find it the least bit surprising that they were first found in Egypt, everything was first found in Egypt it seems. It made me laugh when it states that Columbus sparked a rage in smoking tobacco, Columbus you rebel. If you would like to read for yourself go enjoy: Source. Another great read I found that does outline the history and many other thing made it seem like it was for men, but I enjoyed it. I love how this man gave himself credibility by saying he actually makes pipes. I love that, we do too! Go on and enjoy a great read with this one: Source
So lets talk types. The style in pipes is almost unchangeable, however what they're made out of is not. Artisan or collector pipes are generally wood. They have small metal ones for on the go, those tend to get pretty warm if you like to reef on the pipe. There is glass, pretty classic and basic. Now they also make silicon pipes, anyone ever feel like silicon is taking over the world? It is just so widely used. I mean, you can make a pipe out of an apple. Another classification of pipes isn't about what they're made out of, but the style in which they are made. The main 5 types of pipes are spoons, chillums, steamrollers, sherlocks, and bubblers. I always considered bubblers more of a water pipe, but I've always had a special place in my heart for sherlock pipes, which I just found out are called gandalf pipes if they have a really long neck. Read more here: Source
Thank you for piping it up with me and chatting about pipes. Comment your favorite type below and then head on over to our Facebook this week for all things pipes. As always, Hannah Lynn

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


History, Types, and Promotions

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When I think of a vape, I think of a mod like these: They haven't always been around though, so I thought I'd look up the history of vapes to get a better understanding of them all together. One of the more detailed history of e-cigarettes is found here: I'm not sure if I would even consider a mod or vape an e-cig though. Obviously, I had to look into that to understand more. They're not the same! Vaping is the overall term for inhaling vapor from an e-cig or similar device (like a mod). The biggest difference between an e-cig and a vape is the tank. With an e-cig there is no tank to fill, normally they'll have cartridges. With a vape, you have a tank separate from your battery to refill with juice. Battery life is typically longer with a vape and you have more options for flavors because you can use or combine a number of juices. If you want to read more about differences between the two go here: There are hundreds, if not thousands of types of e-cigs, mods, and vapes. Most people try out at least a few, before finding their best fit. 
If we start to talk juices we could be here forever because there are thousands of juices out there and endless combinations.  The best site I have found to find the best information about e-juice and its compounds was a great read because it also have the best vape juices of 2018! has the best vape juices of 2018 for the first half of this page and information about what is in e-juice or e-liquid and what it means. I didn't even know the difference that propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin could have on the flavor or feel of your smoke cloud! I love doing research and looking deeper into things with you guys!
The final thing I will talk about is our up and coming promotion! Head North wants to give back to its wonderful friends with a sweepstakes. All of the rules are already up on the main page of our blog, for you to look over and get a sneak peak! It will be just and going this week so head on over to our Facebook and keep an eye out. This is a Facebook specific contest and we'd love if you'd participate. Head on over there:! As always, Hannah Lynn.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Holiday Seasons are Upon Us!

Happy Days or Crazy Holidays?

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Normally when talking about Holidays there are 3 types of people. The people who love holidays way too much, the ones who despise them, and the ones who don't care one way or another. The third group of people are the ones who are most likely too busy to enjoy what the holidays have to offer. The ones who despise them probably have a negative experience surrounding it. Therefore, it is up to the ones who love the holidays way too much to have enough cheer for all of them. Shall we start with thanksgiving? 

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The one thing I can tell you is a tradition in our house is to have my Uncle, who we never see, over for Thanksgiving dinner. My mom spends all day in the kitchen slaving over the hot stove. Mom was so relieved when my sister and I were old enough to be useful in the kitchen. We always had all the fixings! Candied yams, mashed potatoes, stuffing, turkey, ham, pumpkin pie and my absolute favorite green bean casserole. Let me help you guys out with my favorite recipe, no one does it better than French's! Yes, my favorite part of Thanksgiving is the food and seeing my Uncle Dave. I'll tell you what is not my favorite part, cleaning extra hard for when the family comes over. My house ever since I can remember has been cluttered and always needed time to 'be presentable', as my mom would say. We never had that problem during Christmas because it was always the immediate family. 

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Now Christmas was always my favorite holiday as a kid, as it is for most. I loved it then because of the presents. I love it now because of the joy that it brings, the sweaters people wear, and Christmas movies, Hallmark has the best! I love that most people are a little happier around Christmas and people are a little more grateful and caring. I think it brings out the best in people. It also brings out the best sweaters! Things get stressful though around Christmas, most can agree. People realize what they don't have and feel bad that they can't give more to the people that they love. I think that a big reason why people are more kind around this time of year. You put yourself in other's shoes and that is when people are grateful and care. Now I'm just sounding like a sucker. Enough about me! What are your favorite traditions for the upcoming holidays. Anyone celebrate holidays not talked about here? Comment below and let us know! As always, Hannah Lynn 

Monday, October 22, 2018

Dream Jobs

"When I grow up I wanna be..."

*insert dream job here*

I always said that I wanted to be a Vet or Teacher when I was a kid. Then I grew up and realized I had no idea what I wanted to be. Now I love my job. Lets be honest though, It is not my dream job; don't tell my boss. Which bring me to the topic, what are jobs that you've always dreamed to have? There are so many jobs out there, some better than others. Lets take a look at some that interested us. 
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First lets talk about a professional blunt roller. If you can't roll blunts, this position is not for you! Who would need a professional blunt roller you may ask? In 2014 Waka Flocka Flame, the rapper, took to Instagram because he felt he needed one. Who filled the position? Seth Rogan. 50,000 dollars a year for a side gig is pretty great. He kept the gig up until it was announced this year that he was fired. Obviously, acting was his dream career not blunt rolling. I'm sure he still does it for his personal gain.
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With cannabis making a comeback and becoming legal all around the U.S. many want to know how to get a job having to do with that. Growing, chopping, and trimming bud doesn't always pay the best or is not the most enjoyable. However, getting paid to smoke weed is every stoners dream. This article talks about a company in Toronto, Canada, that hired 5 lucky individuals to get paid to smoke weed and write social media posts. Like sign me up! Then there is this article that talks about 3000 dollars a week to pretty much do the same thing There just asking stoners to take their money, but you have to meet their terms or get fired like Seth Rogan. This article also talks about 'budtenders', a term that I was not familiar with until I went to Colorado. They are the bartenders of weed and a pretty sweet gig as well. I wouldn't say 'dream job', but to someone it might be. 
Just remember that you can't find a job that you aren't looking for. Also, it is never to late to try and find a better job or to chase after your 'dream job'. You never know until you try and that can't start unless you take the first steps. These jobs are out there, you just have to find them. 

Monday, October 15, 2018

Smoking and Alternatives

Cigarettes, Vaping, Quitting, and More

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I always like to begin my blog with saying how I relate or what I think of a topic. Smoking is one that I could talk about for hours, being that I smoked my first cigarette at 6, was a dedicated cigarette smoker for 12 years steady, and am now a 'vaper' trying to quit smoking altogether. Don't try to do the math, it won't make sense. I started smoking cigarettes steady at 11, smoked happily up until the millionth time I tried to quit in the summer of 2018. Nothing ever worked until I got my JUUL. I don't advocate for JUUL and I always tell people they are only great if you use them to quit. It worked for me though, it really got me to finally quit smoking cigarettes. In my opinion, I don't think vaping is any better than smoking. It is new and hard to say the real long term risks, however I am not a professional. There are always good and bad to every aspect.
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This is the part where I tell you what I can find on this topic, which is a lot! First, I advise you to always keep a look out on your choice of poison in the news. We all know smoking causes cancer, this isn't new. What is new is what else they link it to like Dementia, how it can leave residue that is more harmful than we know, and how a landlord that once allowed smoking can change his mind at anytime. I found all this out by just searching 'Smoking and tobacco' into the N.Y. Times search on their website: Vaping is new and upcoming, so if that is your niche, you are going to want to stay up-to-date on laws, health articles, and other things that keep you educated and informed. Even one of those articles on the Times says that vaping is safer than smoking cigarettes. I think that you just need to be sure what you are vaping. This article talks about a company called out on putting erectile dysfunction medicine similar to Viagra in its vape juice:
The last part in almost every blog I write tells you something to the effect of 'Do your research'. This one will be no different. Our bodies are special and our own, we want to respect and nurture them. Smoking is something that can bring such joy to people, some never developing any health risks from it. Other times, we all know how bad smoking can be. I commend the people who have finally quit smoking fully and advocate to reach out to smokers and tell them what helped you. Understand though, that it isn't your place to tell people how to live your life and some people are happy smoking cigarettes. Make a difference where you can, but choose your battles wisely. As always, Hannah Lynn.

Monday, October 8, 2018

High Time for Halloween Talk!

Halloween Then and Now

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Halloween is a great time to be a kid or an adult, as long as you love to wear costumes, right? Most people love the thought of being someone else for a night and stuffing their faces with candy or alcohol, whichever you like more. One year I remember having my fair share of both, only to spend the next day hugging the toilet and seeing all that chocolate again. Never a dull Halloween these, but how did this holiday start anyways? Better yet, What was it about when it all started?
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The History Channel has a great page all about it, new to 2018 too. You can find all the info dating back to the start of Halloween. It tells you how all these different holidays and traditions turned into the Halloween we love today. It surprised me to find out that Halloween in America started out with people going door to door asking for money or food and that was in the 1800's! It wasn't exactly the Halloween we know today. It's kinda crazy that it developed into such a spectacular event for all ages circled around candy and costumes. If you want a good read and to learn more about this popular holiday head on over to and check it out! It tells you all about the history of trick-or-treating, black cats, Halloween parties, and much more!
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Obviously as a kid, most of us have fond memories of Halloween. I talked earlier about I cannot remember a dull Halloween in my life. What about Halloween these days? Personally, I have a huge family and love all trying to have a costume that coincides with one another. Then the kids go to bed and the adults drink and eat the kids candy, if its not a work night that is. Being an adult isn't all it is cracked up to be. So, What are you favorite things to do for Halloween? Any tradition you love? Any costumes you have in mind or a dead set on? Remember, It's high time for Halloween talk; spark that conversation today! 

Monday, October 1, 2018

Scratching the surface on elections

Elections and November 6th 

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Elections happen pretty frequently when you think about the different levels of them. Like how many elections go on in your city, county, state, and national levels. This means you want to make sure you are staying up-to-date and forming an opinion on who you are going to vote for, right? How do you do that though?  It isn't a cut-and-dry, easy-peasy thing to do. The best way I've found is to do your research about who is on the ballot. If you want to see a sample ballot for your area of WI, go here: This helps you narrow your specs on scoping out who you want to vote for. Not everything is always on the sample ballot though, that is why you want to do what? Your research! You can make more on an impact on a county or state level, however it is extremely important to vote in the elections leading up to and for The President of the United States as well. It is also easier to form an opinion on something so important like the election for President. Make sure you listen to all sides of all arguments before solidifying your decision, there could be one fact that is a tipping point in your decision. That is why research is so important! 
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November 6th though, what is so important about it? Well, we are voting for the governor of our state. That's the equivalent to the president of Wisconsin, pretty much! I think we all deserve a say in that. We are also voting for things like the Attorney General, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, The United State Senator, and other things depending on what district you live in.  Voting is putting your two cents into what you want to see in your country. It is also being an active part in your community and society! It is important for everyone to get out there, for every election, because it really could come down to your vote to decide it all. Not to mention, your opinion matters!
Many people coming into the shop have mentioned this article to me, so I think it is important to talk about. This WEAU article talks about how there will be a question regarding the legalization of marijuana. I verified on (The Wisconsin Election Commission) that this is true. You might have to have Excel, but if you go down to the list of attachments it will be the third one that says 'List of Referenda for November 2018' and it goes through the questions that will be on the ballot in every county in Wisco. I did take a snip it from the spreadsheet for those of ya'll's that don't have Excel (on the bottom of the blog). Many people that have approached me are thrilled to be able to voice their opinion on this matter. Many people understand that even if they never want to use cannabis, that other people may. Some people fully believe that it is a life saving, miracle, one-of-a-kind, drug. Some people think it should remain illegal. Some people think that it could help rapidly decrease the Opioid problem that we have in our state.  Some people think that it should only be used for medical purposes. Some people think that it should be fully decriminalized and just legalize it all around. We wanna know, What do you think? 

Monday, September 24, 2018

Adventuring Eau Claire

Exploring our City

What does Eau Claire have for you?

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I've lived in Eau Claire, WI, since I was 5. I can only recall a few memories of living places other than here. This is my home, and might be forever. Its not a bad place to call home overall. Eau Claire has this special sense of community. Everyone that lives here always says 'Eau Claire is the biggest small town ever'. It is so true too! I think that is why many people live here for their whole lives, or they move away for awhile and end up returning later in life. It is because of the opportunity Eau Claire truly has to offer for everyone. Many people do feel a special type of way towards their hometown, but Eau Claire isn't even where I was born. However, it reeled me in by raising me.
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That was then and this is now though! Eau Claire has changed very much in the 20 years I've lived here. I moved here in 1999, the population was 60,223. Now it has grown by almost 14% and has 8,364 more people in it. Maybe it is turning into a big city after all. We are getting great companies like and These offer information about awesome stuff going on around the city and maybe even in your neighborhood. It's great for anyone and everyone who wants to just get out and enjoy our city. It's companies that embrace our city's natural beauty and pleasant sense of community, that truly benefit Eau Claire as a whole. Who wants to live in a crappy city with stinky people? No one. 
So, what is going on around Eau Claire then? Eau Claire companies, organizations, government agency's and others are always thinking of different ways to keep different things going on around the city. The two sites above Visit Eau Claire and Volume One have awesome event lists depending on what you are into. Family feel, adult fun, or a moderation of the two, they have whatever your into. Otherwise you can also look on some news sites as well. I know WEAU has an even calendar at Its always great to use on-line resources in assisting in planning activities or finding more information about them. 
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Whats the point though right? For me personally, I get so wrapped up in the busy stuff of life like working, raising my kids, and then trying to relax or enjoy myself. It's great to enjoy the simpler things in life, 'stop and smell the roses' right? What better way then embracing the beautiful town that we live in! Maybe I have too much love for the EC, but if I call this place home I better dang enjoy it! Take advantage of what it has to offer for you! Have a great week ya'll and get ya butt's out there and enjoy the beautiful town we live in. 

Monday, September 17, 2018

Rolling into Autumn!

What Autumn means to us and for you.

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What does Autumn mean to you? Personally, I have always been fond of Autumn. I love the leaves changing colors on the trees and eventually falling off. That means the kids will want to rake them up and jump into huge piles of them and then repeat. Those are the best memories of fall, that and getting to pick out a pumpkin to carve into a jack-o-lantern for Halloween. That will be in October though. September is always the time I want to go to the apple orchard. As a kid, I'd love going to see all the amazing rows of apples and picking the biggest one to bring to school to show my classmates. Yes, Autumn truly is my favorite season out of the four. What is your favorite season out of the year and why? Comment below after your done reading to let us know!
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So, 'Rolling in to Autumn!' is our topic of the week! This week on 9/22 is the official first day of Autumn, or Fall. Which do you prefer? I always called it Fall, up until a few years ago when someone told me it wasn't 'proper'. What is proper these days? 
In the shop we are also celebrating National Singles Day, because single people deserve their own day too! It happens to be Saturday which is also the first day of Fall. Our very own Stacy, who is celebrating Nation Singles Day, will be working and would love to help you with anything you need. She says that her favorite part of Fall is spending it around a camp fire with friends and family. Doesn't that sound lovely? We love to get to know our staff and customers. This blog is a great way to do so. 
We look forward to rolling into Autumn with you. Thank you for listening to what this season means to us. We look forward to hearing what this season means to you. Give us feedback on what you would like to hear next month. As for next week, look at the picture below for a guess at the topic. It is a short phrase and has to do with adventure. Also don't forget to tell us what your favorite season is and why, or just tell us why you love fall! Thank you again and have an awesome week! We also found this fun link to read through, after you comment about the season, let us know what you think of this!

Friday, September 14, 2018

And so it begins...

Head North is pleased to join you on blogger!

This is probably something we should have employed awhile ago, after all you have to give the people what they want right? And so our journey begins! Some of you may be wondering 'why a blog for a smoke shop?' right? I'll get right to the point then, we want to have an awesome way to share the great content that we have for our wonderful customers! Whether it is about the shop directly like new products or expansions, general things like new laws being passed, or something that we thought you might like and relate to! This blog will also help us communicate with you, but that means we need your feedback
Each week the blog will introduce a new topic or central idea for the week. This will transcend through our other social media channels as well. Blogger was our first stop, but will not be our last! We are excited to announce we also have a Facebook to keep in-touch with you guys, and up-to-date on all the trending topics. We will soon have Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. How exciting right? We would love for you to like us on Facebook and follow us as we travel to new territories! I almost forgot to mention we also have our brand new website up and running. This is just the first of many great things to come from Head North. All of it for you and we enjoy it too! Please comment below and let us know what you think so far. 
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To end the blog I'll give you guys a little sneak peak of next week. The photo to the right is obviously a picture of a roll your own cigarette machine. The topic for next week has something to do with this photo. It's a short phrase. For fun and games we would love for you to guess the next topic. I know it's hard just based off a photo, so I'll also give you a hint. It has to do with the season that is approaching next week. Don't want to wait long to see what the topic is? That is just great because we will have our next post on Monday and every Monday after. Thank you for reading and we look forward to Monday!