What Autumn means to us and for you.
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What does Autumn mean to you? Personally, I have always been fond of Autumn. I love the leaves changing colors on the trees and eventually falling off. That means the kids will want to rake them up and jump into huge piles of them and then repeat. Those are the best memories of fall, that and getting to pick out a pumpkin to carve into a jack-o-lantern for Halloween. That will be in October though. September is always the time I want to go to the apple orchard. As a kid, I'd love going to see all the amazing rows of apples and picking the biggest one to bring to school to show my classmates. Yes, Autumn truly is my favorite season out of the four. What is your favorite season out of the year and why? Comment below after your done reading to let us know!
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So, 'Rolling in to Autumn!' is our topic of the week! This week on 9/22 is the official first day of Autumn, or Fall. Which do you prefer? I always called it Fall, up until a few years ago when someone told me it wasn't 'proper'. What is proper these days?
In the shop we are also celebrating National Singles Day, because single people deserve their own day too! It happens to be Saturday which is also the first day of Fall. Our very own Stacy, who is celebrating Nation Singles Day, will be working and would love to help you with anything you need. She says that her favorite part of Fall is spending it around a camp fire with friends and family. Doesn't that sound lovely? We love to get to know our staff and customers. This blog is a great way to do so.
We look forward to rolling into Autumn with you. Thank you for listening to what this season means to us. We look forward to hearing what this season means to you. Give us feedback on what you would like to hear next month. As for next week, look at the picture below for a guess at the topic. It is a short phrase and has to do with adventure. Also don't forget to tell us what your favorite season is and why, or just tell us why you love fall! Thank you again and have an awesome week! We also found this fun link to read through, after you comment about the season, let us know what you think of this! https://hightimes.com/culture/the-stoners-guide-to-autumn/
Our favorite season is spring because of the warmer weather and all the beautiful flowers beginning to peak up and bloom!