Monday, September 24, 2018

Adventuring Eau Claire

Exploring our City

What does Eau Claire have for you?

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I've lived in Eau Claire, WI, since I was 5. I can only recall a few memories of living places other than here. This is my home, and might be forever. Its not a bad place to call home overall. Eau Claire has this special sense of community. Everyone that lives here always says 'Eau Claire is the biggest small town ever'. It is so true too! I think that is why many people live here for their whole lives, or they move away for awhile and end up returning later in life. It is because of the opportunity Eau Claire truly has to offer for everyone. Many people do feel a special type of way towards their hometown, but Eau Claire isn't even where I was born. However, it reeled me in by raising me.
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That was then and this is now though! Eau Claire has changed very much in the 20 years I've lived here. I moved here in 1999, the population was 60,223. Now it has grown by almost 14% and has 8,364 more people in it. Maybe it is turning into a big city after all. We are getting great companies like and These offer information about awesome stuff going on around the city and maybe even in your neighborhood. It's great for anyone and everyone who wants to just get out and enjoy our city. It's companies that embrace our city's natural beauty and pleasant sense of community, that truly benefit Eau Claire as a whole. Who wants to live in a crappy city with stinky people? No one. 
So, what is going on around Eau Claire then? Eau Claire companies, organizations, government agency's and others are always thinking of different ways to keep different things going on around the city. The two sites above Visit Eau Claire and Volume One have awesome event lists depending on what you are into. Family feel, adult fun, or a moderation of the two, they have whatever your into. Otherwise you can also look on some news sites as well. I know WEAU has an even calendar at Its always great to use on-line resources in assisting in planning activities or finding more information about them. 
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Whats the point though right? For me personally, I get so wrapped up in the busy stuff of life like working, raising my kids, and then trying to relax or enjoy myself. It's great to enjoy the simpler things in life, 'stop and smell the roses' right? What better way then embracing the beautiful town that we live in! Maybe I have too much love for the EC, but if I call this place home I better dang enjoy it! Take advantage of what it has to offer for you! Have a great week ya'll and get ya butt's out there and enjoy the beautiful town we live in. 

Monday, September 17, 2018

Rolling into Autumn!

What Autumn means to us and for you.

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What does Autumn mean to you? Personally, I have always been fond of Autumn. I love the leaves changing colors on the trees and eventually falling off. That means the kids will want to rake them up and jump into huge piles of them and then repeat. Those are the best memories of fall, that and getting to pick out a pumpkin to carve into a jack-o-lantern for Halloween. That will be in October though. September is always the time I want to go to the apple orchard. As a kid, I'd love going to see all the amazing rows of apples and picking the biggest one to bring to school to show my classmates. Yes, Autumn truly is my favorite season out of the four. What is your favorite season out of the year and why? Comment below after your done reading to let us know!
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So, 'Rolling in to Autumn!' is our topic of the week! This week on 9/22 is the official first day of Autumn, or Fall. Which do you prefer? I always called it Fall, up until a few years ago when someone told me it wasn't 'proper'. What is proper these days? 
In the shop we are also celebrating National Singles Day, because single people deserve their own day too! It happens to be Saturday which is also the first day of Fall. Our very own Stacy, who is celebrating Nation Singles Day, will be working and would love to help you with anything you need. She says that her favorite part of Fall is spending it around a camp fire with friends and family. Doesn't that sound lovely? We love to get to know our staff and customers. This blog is a great way to do so. 
We look forward to rolling into Autumn with you. Thank you for listening to what this season means to us. We look forward to hearing what this season means to you. Give us feedback on what you would like to hear next month. As for next week, look at the picture below for a guess at the topic. It is a short phrase and has to do with adventure. Also don't forget to tell us what your favorite season is and why, or just tell us why you love fall! Thank you again and have an awesome week! We also found this fun link to read through, after you comment about the season, let us know what you think of this!

Friday, September 14, 2018

And so it begins...

Head North is pleased to join you on blogger!

This is probably something we should have employed awhile ago, after all you have to give the people what they want right? And so our journey begins! Some of you may be wondering 'why a blog for a smoke shop?' right? I'll get right to the point then, we want to have an awesome way to share the great content that we have for our wonderful customers! Whether it is about the shop directly like new products or expansions, general things like new laws being passed, or something that we thought you might like and relate to! This blog will also help us communicate with you, but that means we need your feedback
Each week the blog will introduce a new topic or central idea for the week. This will transcend through our other social media channels as well. Blogger was our first stop, but will not be our last! We are excited to announce we also have a Facebook to keep in-touch with you guys, and up-to-date on all the trending topics. We will soon have Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. How exciting right? We would love for you to like us on Facebook and follow us as we travel to new territories! I almost forgot to mention we also have our brand new website up and running. This is just the first of many great things to come from Head North. All of it for you and we enjoy it too! Please comment below and let us know what you think so far. 
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To end the blog I'll give you guys a little sneak peak of next week. The photo to the right is obviously a picture of a roll your own cigarette machine. The topic for next week has something to do with this photo. It's a short phrase. For fun and games we would love for you to guess the next topic. I know it's hard just based off a photo, so I'll also give you a hint. It has to do with the season that is approaching next week. Don't want to wait long to see what the topic is? That is just great because we will have our next post on Monday and every Monday after. Thank you for reading and we look forward to Monday!